口腔修复用英语怎么说 医学生专业英语单词
修复的英语单词,牙体牙髓科 用英语怎么说?求齿科修复方面的英语,口腔医学名词中译英,懂的进,医学生专业英语单词,口腔医学专业英语的介绍。
The costly renovation of the old college building was criticized by most teachers.
2. 蒂卡尔危地马拉北部的一座玛雅废城,曾是玛雅城市中最大也可能最古老的一座。挖掘和修复该废墟的工作始于1956年
A ruined Mayan city of northern Guatemala. It was the largest of the Mayan cities and may also be the oldest. Excavation and restoration of the ruins began in1956.
3. 卡车严重损坏,已无修复的希望。
The lorry was damaged beyond hope of repair.
4. 篱笆上的洞使我们能够观看;科技使外科医生能打开和修复心脏
A hole in the fence that enabled us to watch; techniques that enable surgeons to open and repair the heart.
牙体牙髓科 用英语怎么说
dental body and pulp department
牙髓 [[名词委审定]汉英人体解剖学名词(1991)]
dental pulp
牙髓 [[名词委审定]汉英医学名词(二, 口腔学, 1992)]
dental pulp
牙髓 [[名词委审定]汉英组织学名词(1993)]
dental pulp
牙髓 [汉英环境大词典]
dental pulp
牙髓 [汉英化学大词典]
dental pulp
牙髓 [汉英农牧林大词典]
dental pulp ;pulp of tooth
牙髓 [汉英医学大词典]
dental pulp
牙髓 [汉英中医大词典]
dental pulp ;tooth pulp
Dental Veneer 牙齿镶嵌
Dental crowns 镶牙
Teeth Bleaching 外形修整
porcelanin-fused-to-metal prosthesis 金属烤瓷修复体
chin augmentation 隆颏术
Dental bridges 牙桥
Periodontics 牙周病学
Oral Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔颌面外科
Prosthodontics 口腔修复学
高位微笑 high smile微笑时显露100%的上前牙与部分牙龈。
低位微笑 low smile微笑时上前牙面积显露小于75%.
中位微笑 median smile微笑时上前牙面积显露在75%~100%之间,少见牙龈乳头。
Prophylaxis 洗牙 (usually just say prophy)
deep clean 龈下刮治 (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻)
local/general anesthesia 局/全麻
gingivatis 牙龈炎 (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps)
tartar 牙石
dental hygienist 洗牙师 (do the above thing)
cavity 龋齿
root canal therapy (RCT)根管治疗 (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve)
crown 牙套 (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart)
filling 补料 (resin/composite树脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨)
endodontist 内科牙医 (do the above thing)
denture 假牙
veneer 贴面 (usually for cosmetis purpuse, like for 四环素牙)
prosthodontics 镶牙牙医
general dentist 全科牙医 (do all things, but difficult one refer to
implant 种植牙 (plant a denture in the jaw bone)
oral surgeon 外科牙医 (拔牙, 尤其难拔的智齿, implant)
口腔洁牙师 dental hygienists,,
口腔科护士 dental nurse
牙医助理 dental assistants
义齿加工技工 dental technicians
口腔正畸科医生 orthodontist、
口腔疾病学家 stomatologist
口腔颌面外科医生 Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon (oral surgeon)、
口腔内科医生 Prosthodontics
口腔修复科医生 Periodontics
公共卫生牙医 Public Health Dentist
医学生物学 Medical Biology 医学遗传学Medical Genetics 系统解剖学 Systematic Anatomy 组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology 人体生理学Human Physiology 生物化学 Biochemistry 药理学Pharmacology 病理生理学Pathophysiology 病理学Pathology 医学免疫学Medical Immunology 医学微生物学Microbiology 人体寄生虫学Human Parasitology 流行病学Epidemiology 卫生学Hygiene 局部解剖学Regional Anatomy 法医学Forensic Medicine 实验诊断学Laboratory Diagnosis 诊断学Diagnostics 内科学Internal Medicine 外科学Surgery 妇产科学Obstetrics and Gynecology 儿科学Pediatrics 神经病学Neurology 精神病学Psychiatry 康复医学Rehabilitation Medicine 中医学Chinese Traditional Medicine 皮肤与性病学Dermatology and Venerology 传染病学Infectious Diseases 核医学Atomic Medicine 口腔解剖生理学Oral Anatomy and Physiology 口腔组织病理学Oral Histology and Pathology 口腔粘膜病学Diseases of the Oral Mucosa 牙体牙髓病学Cariology And Endodontics 牙周病学Periodontics 口腔正畸学Orthodontics 口腔修复学Prosthodontics 口腔颌面外科学Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery 口腔预防医学及儿童口腔医学PDPD 麻醉解剖学Anesthesia Anatomy 麻醉物理学Anaesthetic Physics 临床麻醉学Clinical Anaesthesiology 重症监护Intensive Care Therapy 疼痛诊疗学Diagnosis and Treatment of Pain 麻醉设备学Anesthesia Equipment 医学影像学Medical Imaging 影像物理学Physics of Medicine Imaging 影像设备学Medical Imaging Equipment 医用电子学Medical Electronics 超声诊断Ultrasonic Diagnosis 眼科学Ophthalmology